For people who like to spend their free time actively, a stay at the shooting range does not have to be limited only to shooting. The location of the shooting range makes it possible to combine shooting with kayaking. The charming Dobrzyca River flows next to the shooting range. The Piława, Rurzyca and Zdbica rivers flow a little further on. Crystal clear rivers wind through wild woodlands, flowing past picturesque lakes. They often change direction and create unpredictably changing corridors in the thicket of coastal vegetation and trees and often fallen branches make the water adventure more attractive. All around is silence, the sound of water and the sounds of nature. . . you’re in paradise! 😊
You can start rafting down the Dobrzyca River in Golce, a village located near the shooting range.
Rafting organizers have been in business for many years. They are very experienced and knowledgeable about the surrounding canoe trails. They have the equipment and transport needed to organize group or individual rafting. Rafting trips can be one-day, weekend or several days long. It is certainly a great way to spend time together with family or friends and integrate.